
咨询热线 400-168-8684

位置:南昌趣招生 > 南昌英语 > 南昌托福(TOEFL)







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关键词:南昌新通留学培训机构 南昌英语培训学校 南昌托福培训班






建立和谐的关系 establish harmonious association with…/ rapport with

增强关系 solidify/ strengthen/ enhance/ promote communication / connection with

相互了解 mutual understanding

关系网/朋友圈 relationship network/circle of friends

让某人知道某事 keep sb. informed of sth.

与某人交朋友 cultivate/develop friendship with sb.

与某人保持稳定关系  keep steady relationship with sb.

扩大/建立交际圈 enlarge/build up/establish interpersonal networks/the social circles

靠不住的朋友 fair-weather friend

开启…之门 knock the door of

获得归属感 obtain the sense of belonging

敞开心扉  bare one's heart

促进信息互换 spur message transmission

建立和保持良好的人际关系  build and maintain healthy relationships among people


开阔眼界widen one’s outlooks / broaden one’s vision/horizons

学习知识和技能 acquire knowledge and skills

综合素质 comprehensive/overall quality

致力于/ 投身于 be committed / devoted to…/commit oneself to…

扩大知识面 expand/enlarge one’s scope of knowledge

缺乏信息 the paucity of information

实现一种教育的目的 fulfill an educational purpose

纠正以往的错误 right the wrongs of the past

知识储备  knowledge reserve/base/storage

沉溺于游戏 indulge in games

为某事责备某人  blame sb. for sth. …

选修课/必修课 optional course/compulsory course

给…反复灌输…  inculcate sb. with sth.

厌学  be weary of studying

逆反心理 antagonistic psychology

挖掘潜力 fulfill the potential

被认为是全才 be regarded as generalists

熟练掌握 be well-acquainted with/be proficient in

课外知识  extracurricular knowledge

专业知识/领域 professional knowledge/specialized field of study

文化素养 cultural accomplishment

文化多样性 cultural diversity

理论知识 theoretical knowledge

实用性技能 practical skills

社会经验 social experience

扩充知识面 Broaden one’s knowledge base

提升综合能力 promote one’s overall/comprehensive competence

积累经验  accumulate experiences

吸取教训 learn lessons from past experiences

高素质人才  high-caliber people


扬长避短 exploit to the fullest one’s favorable conditions and avoid unfavorable ones

工作机会缺乏   the scarcity of employment opportunities

为就业辉煌奠定基础   lay the foundations for career prosperity

责任分配  delegation of responsibility

将自己深陷于工作中  immerse oneself in endless job tasks

提高效率  boost/augment/enhance efficiency

直接且被证明有效的去除…的方法  a proven and straightforward way to do sth.

上进心  upward mobility

擅长  be adept in

身份和地位的象征 status symbol

增加竞争力 boost one’s competitiveness

完成艰巨的任务complete an arduous project

为日常生活添加色彩add some salt to our daily routine


减少人们的休闲时间 diminish individuals' leisure time

驱除无精打采 drive away lassitude

减轻负担 lighten one’s burden

超负荷的工作量/作业量 homework/workforce overload

缓解心理紧张 smooth one’s mental intension

倾诉烦恼  confide annoyances

如释重负  a load off one’s mind

把某人从压力中释放出来 lift sb. out of high pressure

增加精神压力 aggravate one's mental intension

从日常工作中解脱出来   get away from the daily grind

进入一个感官享受的审美世界  enter an aesthetic world of sensual pleasure

自我放松 self-relaxation(n.)/ease oneself(v.)

有活力的精神面貌  vigorous mentality

忍受失眠的痛苦 suffer from insomnia

增强免疫力  boost our immune system

养成早睡早起的习惯 get into the habit of keeping good hours

安神放松  calm the nerves and restore the soul

肩负的沉重的负担  a millstone around one’s neck


缓解压力/减轻负担  relieve stress/burden

挖掘某人的潜能  tap into the potential of sb.

为我们的日常生活增添了不少情趣 add much spice/flavor to our daily life

综合型人才  interdisciplinary talent

劳逸结合 strike a proper balance between work and leisure

实现人生价值 realize the value of life

探寻人生无数的可能性 explore endless possibility of life

忙里偷闲 take a break from the hard working life/take mind off work once in a while/snatch a little leisure from the rush of business

物质享乐和精神刺激 material pleasure and spiritual stimulation

带来心灵上的愉悦   bring joy to one’s mind

振奋精神 refresh the soul


快速的生活节奏 hasty life rhythm

高效的工作学习模式 a highly efficient model of working and studying

顺畅的合作关系  smooth and effective collaboration

外界帮助 external help/support

整合多方资源  integrate various resources

优势互补 have complementary advantages

为了方便和有效 for the sake of convenience and effectiveness

提高生产力 increase productivity

促进协调 facilitate coordination


· 核心课程
> 北美考试系列
TOEFL(新托福) 、SSAT(美国中考) 、SAT(美国高考) 、SATⅡ、AP、SLEP(美国中学生程度英语水平考试) 、GRE(美国研究生入学考试) 、GMAT(美国经企管理研究生入学考试)等。
> 英联邦考试系列
IELTS(雅思) 、GCSE(数学、英语) 。
> 多语种系列
> 其他出国系列
· 核心优势
> 学术体系完善
> 师资力量强大
> 首创学术管理
> 360°全方位品质服务

  • 学校名称:南昌新通教育


    授课地址:江西省南昌市东湖区阳明东路66号央央春天投资大厦18层 预约参观