课程详情 学校简介 学校地址 网上报名
关键词:深圳国际学校招生 深圳国际班招生 深圳崛起教育国际班
As the shrine for exchange between Eastern and Western culture, Hong Kong has possessed rich education resources and its qualifications are globally recognized. HKDSE, can be called “Hong Kong Gaokao”, was built for university placement under the new education system stipulated in March 2012. As part of international education, the HKDSE has gradually liberalized the authority and scope for mainland, which opens a green channel for more students to the other famous universities.
u 课程设置及评分:4+2
Ø 四个核心科目:中国语文、英国语文、数学及通识教育
Ø 两个选修科目:
Ø 科目评分标准:核心科目以及甲类科目的表现分为五个等级(1-5级),第5级为最高,5级以上为【5*】、【5**】。核心科目最低3322的成绩即达到香港高校的入学门槛。选修科目评核工作由个别课程提供者负责,成绩分为【达标】与【达标并表现优异】,表现低于【达标】水平则为【不达标】。
Ø 4 Core Courses: Chinese Language, English Language, Mathematics, Liberal Studies
Ø 2 Elective Courses:
Category A Subjects: Chinese Literature, British literature, Economics, Business Accounting and Financial Studies, etc.
Category B Subjects: Image Design, Hospitality Services in Practice, etc.
Category C subjects: Japanese, French, German, etc.
Ø Standard of Marks: The core courses and Category A Subjects can be divided into five levels (1 to 5), the 5 level represents the highest level, you can also get 5* or 5** higher. You can use the 3322 grades of core courses to apply for university at Hong Kong. The subjects providers are responsible for evaluation of Elective Courses, whose grades can be divided into Pass and Pass Excellently, or you will get a No Pass.
u 课程特色:
Ø 高一双语教学导入,高二全英语教学;
Ø 香港同步课程、香港原版教材、香港本土学习环境
Ø 港式独有世界先进的“通识教育”科,三年学习六大板块:
n 今日香港
n 现代中国
n 全球化
n 能源与科技
n 公共卫生
n 个人成长与人际关系
Ø 8-15人小班教学,个性化教学,系统培优补差保底
Ø 香港籍教师亲自授课,助教老师全方位查缺补漏
Ø 多阶测试,针对测试结果介入式辅导
Course Features
Ø Bilingual teaching method first year and then English immersion education mode
Ø Local study environment and curriculum as Hong Kong
Ø The Hong Kong unique subjects--Liberal Studies
n Hong Kong Today
n Modern China
n Globalization
n Energy and Technology
n Public Health
n Personal Development and Relationships
Ø Small class and student-centered learning with individualized teaching;
Ø Professional teachers from Hong Kong, assistant teacher help with the defects and omissions;
Ø Multi-level test, supplemented by interventional coaching to improve test results.
u 升学优势:
Ø 获得香港中学文凭,与香港本地学生具有同样报考香港大学的竞争力及待遇。在香港高校的名额分配中,80%为香港中学文凭考试(DSE),升学率保持在1:7,比内地统招渠道升学率高出6 倍;20%为其他考试,而其中内地高考仅占5%。在如此巨大差异下,通过DSE考试进入香港名校具有明显的优势。
Holders of the HKDSE certificate enjoy the same admission status as the local students in Hong Kong. The universities in Hong Kong have reserved 80% allocation places for HKDSE students and only 20% for other students and even 5% for mainland students through GaoKao. As shown in statistics in recent years, the enrollment rate of mainland recruitment and DSE examination has remained at 1:7, six times higher than the other enrollment rate. ln view of such difference, it’s obviously easier to go to universities in Hong Kong based on HKDSE.
Ø 通过HKDSE并且分数达标者可以录取香港八大、澳洲五星八大及英国TOP50
Ø 四门核心课程成绩可以保留一年,第一年考不上可免费重读一年,再综合两年成绩,择优申请香港大学
With reasonable grades of HKDSE, the admission to top 8 universities in Hong Kong, the five-star universities in Australia and the top 50 universities in UK can be guaranteed.
Ø The grades of core courses can be reserved for one more year, choosing better grades to apply to universities
Ø 在2018QS世界大学排名中,香港超越伦敦,成为全球唯一一个有5所百强大学的城市。
2018QS世界大学排名 |
学校 |
排名 |
香港大学 |
26 |
香港科技大学 |
30 |
香港中文大学 |
46 |
香港城市大学 |
49 |
香港理工大学 |
95 |
+ 香港八大学校名字和logo,拼图
Ø 学历全球认可,凭DSE核心课程3322成绩直接申请欧美等海外名校
内地高等院校:北京大学、清华大学等102 所;
悉尼大学 The University of Sydney 新南威尔士大学 The University of New South Wales 墨尔本大学 The University of Melbourne 阿德雷德大学 Adelaide University 莫纳什大学 Monash University 昆士兰大学 The University of Queensland
西澳大学 The University of Western Australia 澳洲国立大学 The Australian National University
剑桥大学University of Cambridge 牛津大学University of Oxford
圣安德鲁斯大学University of St Andrews 杜伦大学Durham University
帝国理工大学Imperial College London 伦敦大学学院University College London
华威大学 University of Warwick 伦敦政治经济大学London School of Economics and Political Science
埃克塞特大学University of Exeter 兰卡斯特大学Lancaster University
梦校之旅、迎新活动 (图片)
学制 |
招生对象 |
开班计划 |
收费标准(RMB) |
户籍 |
学费 |
住宿费 |
三年制 |
初二、初三在读生 |
高一 |
14.8万/学年 |
1.5万/学年 |
不限 |
一年制 |
高二、高三在读生 |
高三 |
9.8万/学年 |
成绩考核标准 |
金额(RMB) |
分三年发放 |
第一年 |
第二年 |
第三年 |
香港前三大 |
18万 |
3万 |
3万 |
12万 |
香港前五大 |
12万 |
2万 |
2万 |
8万 |
香港前八大 |
6万 |
1万 |
1万 |
4万 |
授课地址:深圳市宝安区福海街道塘尾社区 预约参观