My advice, do whatever you can while you're young, it really does get harder as you get older, 我的建议是,趁年轻去做自己想做的任何事,随着年岁增长,你会越来越难于抽身去做这些事。 and there comes a point in your life when you stop looking forward at the possibilities of what you could be, 在生命中某个特定的时刻,你不再对未来充满期望,不再憧憬自己会变成什么模样。 and start looking forward at the inevitability of what will be. 而是开始预测,不可抗拒的命运会给你带来什么。 Nobody lives forever. 没有人能够长生不死。 Reach far, take chances, risk a lot, but always have a backup plan. 走向远方,抓住机遇,承担风险,但一定要有备用计划。 You might think that nothing can harm you, 你可能会认为自己所向披靡, but reaching for dreams that you have no chance of attaining can harm you, 可是,徒劳的追求一个你不可能实现的虚幻梦境却可能伤害你。 you can end up depressed, stuck in a rut because you can't make any progress forward, etc. 你可能会陷入抑郁,停滞不前,因为你已经走进了死胡同,无法再向前走。 It's important to reach, but also to have a plan that can actually work, idle dreams are dangerous. 为理想奋斗固然重要,但做好切实可行的计划更加重要。虚幻的梦想十分危险。 Things that are going to happen happen step by step, in manageable steps, they don't happen by magic, 事情都是一个阶段一个阶段发展变化的,每个阶段都是可以人为操控的,而不是魔法变幻出来的。